Story of Saaj

Story of Saaj

Growing up in Gujarat, the land which has given the world so many heritage arts and crafts, handloom was always the fabric of our choice, whether it was salwar suits or sarees. We would collect Kutchi bharat patches, rabari bharat patches and other distinctive handcrafted pieces to use them later on blouses and dresses. My mother would buy hand painted, handcrafted art pieces wherever we traveled. I have inherited many pieces from her and they adorn the walls of my home here in the US. 

The beauty of handwork items never lost its fascination for me. Wearing only handloom cotton and handspun silk, my mother cultivated the same in me. Over the years my love of everything handcrafted and handmade has taken the shape of a small business as I wish to share it here in the US. Promoting heritage arts and crafts on this side of the world is more than just a business, it holds a special significance for me. Our mission with House of Saaj is that all such handcrafted items are appreciated by the world. That makes our efforts of bringing South Asian tribal/artisanal works of art to the fore on the global map of utmost value. 

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